Ama Museum

Ama Museum


The Ama Museum is a nonprofit organisation. It was formerly situated in a separate 200m2 building, but due to the lease agreement and financial issues, it had to be relocated to an old office building, causing the exhibition space to decrease sharply to about 50m2. With limited space, a shortage of funds, creating emotion in an old office, and presenting complete narratives were hurdles to be overcome.

業主/ 婦女救援基金會
完工/ 2021年10月
執行方式/ 展示設計與製作
顧問/ 一點點創意事業有限公司
設計與管理/ 有心設計事業有限公司
平面設計/ 有心設計事業有限公司
製作及佈展/ 有心設計事業有限公司 X 扶茂室內裝修設計有限公司 X 完美落地創意實業有限公司
影片剪輯配音/ 石曉茜
互動設備/ 綠點子互動科技有限公司
設計面積/ 約50平方公尺

CLIENT/ Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation
COMPLETION/ October 2021
SCOPE/ Exhibition Design and Construction
Consultant/ One Dot Dot Creative Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Design and Management/ ArtStock Design Co.
Graphic Design/ ArtStock Design Co.
Construction and Display/ ArtStock Design Co. X Formore Design Group Inc. X D-board-Taiwan
Film/ Sherry Shih
Interactive equipment/ Green Idea Interactive Technology Co.
PROJECT SIZE/ 50 square meters
